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Tuesday, February 02, 2010


What if sometimes things just aren't okay? That's a difficult place for me to admit to be in - but once I do, it's freeing. Then everything looks different, because I've gone through a process of confronting myself, internally questioning and answering until it all comes out okay. As time goes on our questions and answers constantly change, but if at the end of the day I trust that I am where I need to be, what more could I ask for?

So if it's not "okay," ask- why not? Consider the "because" would you have things otherwise, and how can you affect those things?

I've gone to some pretty dark places in my mind recently, but instead of allowing the darkness to colonize my mood, I've interrogated those places and that has made the difference, that has been the way out. Then again, sometimes I can go through a dozen moods in a given minute!...

Nevertheless, if we practice acceptance and awareness, we're already closer to seeing the light and maybe even becoming it. Thanks for being a part of that! love!

And if all else fails, this song/vid is always a guaranteed day maker!

1 comment:

  1. Once again, wonderful. I especially love that Paul Simon is your day maker choice. Reading this (and everything else) makes me want to fly straight to your doorstep and give you a big hug and then go fly kites and have a picnic, or something.
