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Thursday, January 14, 2010

divin' in!

hello loved ones...i'm nervous!! haha..
i guess i'll start by thanking M. who finally inspired me to start this thing because in more or less words she was intrigued by how i talk. after a 5 day course learning and experiencing Indigenous ways of knowing, I guess she said the right thing at the right t
ime, because I was deeply moved and couldn't get the thought out of my head. so dammit here I am trying to be myself and having a difficult time cuz of the publicity of it all.

i think it's important to share with others and build relationships to truly achieve a higher understanding of the inner workings of the world and life so i hope y'all will not hesitate to join in the conversation! i think that's why i like to talk when i'm asked to or in response to someone who has addressed me..this individualistic blog thing is a bit of a mindf*ck!!!

pre-banter aside, i've been experiencing some serendipitous-like situations lately (serendipity as defined by my macbook dashboard dictionary: (noun) "the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way") and i think i know why. because the wonderful block week course INDG303 at U of Calgary lead by Dr. Betty Bastien somehow re-opened the channels of my mind and soul and somewhat rekindled my spirit..the one that i thought i had lost somewhere between australia and l.a. back in 2008. so where to start? there are some things to share in a certain time and place, and i'm sure a more holistic picture will develop over time, but for now i'll start with this week.

in no particular order and at the top of my mind as i've got to go meet my nametwin Katie in a couple minutes!! :
-i met a wonderful individual last week from the band woodpigeon. and if I'm so lucky I may get to participate in and contribute to the music with my violin in the next month or so. if not, hey i've made a new friend and i can go see wonderful shows when i'm in whatever town they happen to be in!

-this is wack! this morning i decided to check out this site.. and the image ive posted..IT BLEW MY MIND..BECAUSE I swear I WAS THERE WHEN THE PHOTO WAS TAKEN! I can't believe it. It must have been last winter..or sometime when I last lived in Calgary..I was standing at a Ctrain station downtown and this exact couple was having their photo taken by a woman (presumably the creative genius of the pink studio) against the brick wall. i remember it was cold out too...perhaps im delusional but either way it brought back a rush of feelings and i felt some kinda coincidence.

-there's this (mysteryman) who used to come into Higher Ground every Sunday a couple of years ago when I worked there as a Barrista..he would sit in the window all afternoon and read.I used to blush when he came to order, so eventually my coworkers would man the counter as i ran to hide in the back kitchen whenever he came in. well I saw him again for the first time in a while last spring, and over the past few days I've spent on U of C campus, I've seen him at least half a dozen times. SO perhaps serendipitously i will see him again today (my last day on campus for quite some time as I'm only here until Saturday) and maybe finally say hi, whatsup, my name is, nice to meet u. it's not everyday we have chance encounters with people of the past.

-k, must go, but there will be more, and all these entries are dedicated to those who are interested, intrigued, inspired, whatever. and to all of my lovely friends who have at one time encouraged me to write in one form or another. this is a start.

*ps. blog is a sick word by the way, wonder who thought of it?! guess i could google that...
"blog"(according to the dashboard dictionary):
"a Website on which an individual or group of users produces an ongoing narrative." the world of technology..could there be a more beautiful thing?


  1. I love this. I love you. Let's be pals.

  2. ALSO
    Another friend started a blog a little while ago and defined it as "Bringing Lots Of Goodness".

    Which I quite agree with.

  3. hey melissa thanks and love! i look forward to the unfolding.. and you've reminded me of couchsurfing, so thanks for that!!
